3D Scanning Plants for Botanical and Phenotypic Research

The scientific research and studies about botany and phenotype are constantly facing challenges such as inaccurate data over the years. The technology of 3D scanning has helped the studies overcome the difficulty to some extent. The iReal 3D team has worked with a customer in the botanical research industry, using iReal 2E 3D color scanner to capture the colors, shapes, dimensions, and growth changes of plants.

The 3D scanning process

3D Scanning Plants

3D Scanning Plants 2

3D Scanning Plants 3

Post-processing 3D data

3D Scanned Plants

3D Scanned Plants 2

3D Scanned Plants 3

3D Scanned Plants 4

3D Scanned Plants 5

3D Scanned Plants 6

In order to analyze the growth changes of the same plant, it needs to be re-scanned every month to get the updated data.

Note: If you are looking for a 3D scanning solution with higher requirements for resolution, accuracy and details, it is suggested you choose 3D laser scanners from SCANTECH 3D, such as SIMSCAN and K-SCAN Magic, instead of iReal 2E.

May 23, 2022